Tuesday, February 19, 2013


The dog awakening from his dream without his imaginary bone becomes the little boy holding an empty cone with the scoop lying between his feet becomes the family arriving for the fireworks just after the finale become the patient customer who waited interminably on line for the now sold out item becomes the breathless passenger watching his plane take off becomes the child walking the hot summer’s streets with nobody out to play with becomes the diner told by the waitress that the last special has just been served to the person at the next table becomes the writer whose article is completely lost when his computer crashes becomes the fly smashing against the widow pane instead of soaring freely out there becomes the base runner picked off at second becomes the jump shooter stuffed in mid air becomes the runner stopped at the goal line becomes the race horse nipped at the finish becomes the woman distracted just before climax becomes the commuter who runs to catch the subway as the door closes in his face becomes the mosquito smashed just before digging into flesh becomes the picnicker  biting down on the luscious burger as it slips out of the bun into the dirt becomes the couple just about to passionately get it on when the child bursts crying into the room becomes the guys stuck in traffic as the big game begins becomes the newly infatuated twenty-something waiting vainly for last night’s hook-up to call becomes the guy in the short line watching the people in the long line move past him to their check out becomes the travelers seeing their exit as they flash by on the interstate becomes the woman with the shard of glass in her foot sitting endlessly in the emergency room becomes the host realizing that the main course has just burned in the oven as he was fiddling with his guest’s flowers becomes the golfer just rimming the cup for the par putt becomes the gardener discovering her tomatoes devoured by the groundhog becomes the parent investigating her quiet toddler to find scribbling on the white wall... 

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