Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Shit that annoys me
the smell of cat pee, the snarky, snide empty suit who is Mitt Romney, guys wearing baseball hats who never play baseball, inattentive drivers on cell phones, intrusively helpful retail clerks, blabbermouths of all varieties, bullies, when the morning paper is late, most Republicans, most religious services, being evangelized, overcooked steak, cinnamon in breakfast cereal, being lost, arriving late, Lou Dobbs, owing anybody anything but especially money, socks and sandals, cock sure and wrong, reading a map in a fast moving car, dull knives, old timey music, Budweiser, having to pee while on a walk, Mike McGrath’s voice, people who talk in the movies, slouching, the overly pleasant, the overly gloomy, most rich people, cheap sweet desserts, Prairie Home Companion, speed traps, forgetting my cell phone, when people come late, ignorant rudeness, my dad’s negativity, cutesy decorations, frilliness, delicate women, housewives, fundamentalists, intellectual snobbery, know-it-alls, comb-overs, leaks in the house, Terrell Owens, when its too hot to sleep, drug laws, Karl Rove, rain on a camping trip, being told what to do, Howard Stern, passive aggression, home schooling, Fox News, unsolicited advice, Bill Clinton’s bloated pathetic post mid-life narcissism, long tedious songs on answering machines, cigarettes, folks with little interest in food, Reality TV, pant suits with short jackets on chunky women, george bush, little kids voices on cutesy phone messages, indulgent parenting, gangsta rap, Sarah Brightman, people who’s music tastes never graduated from high school or college, chronic fatigue syndrome, many lawyers, most car salesmen, groundhogs, kickboxing, bad tattoos, bureaucracies, most meetings, many No Turn on Red signs, chronic victims, many cops, ingratitude, Dick Cheney, lots of folk music, main stream politics, driving long distances, anything but public radio, the later George Carlin, flip flops worn away from the pool, Marve Albert, drivers who suddenly pull in then slow down, arrogance (yes, even my own), golf, poker on television, ambivalence, people who don’t like movies, Sarah Palin apologists, passive dependence, brattiness, Patti La Belle, when people come late to dinner, when trailers tell too much about the movie, bug bites, chronic blamers, parking tickets, people more cynical than me, speed traps, insincerity, baggy men’s basketball shorts worn out and about, sports talk radio, Rush Limbaugh, being nagged, running out of toilet paper, not being able to fall back to sleep, being grumpy, making excuses, weak coffee, cigar smoke, when folks routinely repeat themselves whilst rambling on, meanness towards kids, chips on shoulders, flat tires, shitting anywhere but home, people who ask for Motown at parties,  being bored, clients who come late, local TV news, the entitled, phone solicitations, most malls, City Line Avenue, Chestnut Hill WASPS, hip hop droopy draws, ghetto entitlement, gold bling, help rejecting complainers, food cooked without care, stealing, long red lights, shelling and deveining shrimp, dusting, head colds, mother hens, stink bugs, long waits in restaurants, more than a tiny bit of classic rock, Bob Dylan’s personality (and his “religious periods”), walking slowly, when people don’t spell check their emails, Rudy Giuliani, Californian contact (the appearance of depth in the shallow end of the pool), when its cloudy all day and never rains, being almost out of gas, stay at home moms of children over three, Pat Robertson and his ilk, martial arts movies, the unwise old who feel entitled to lecture us about their narrow minded views, the term: “baby mom”, men with many baby moms, infomercials, SUV’s, people who drive the speed limit in the passing lane, not knowing anyone at a party, finding that the cilantro has begun to rot, dog mess in the house, forgetting to turn the hose off, when people habitually say “what?” when I finish speaking, having to worry about ticks, paying retail…        

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